An official lottery is a government-sanctioned form of gambling in which participants purchase tickets to win money or goods. The prizes are often a fixed amount of cash or goods, but can also be a percentage of the total receipts. The money raised by the lottery is usually used for public services such as education and road construction. A portion of the proceeds may also be earmarked for social welfare programs. In the United States, a state’s legislature determines how much of the revenue from lottery ticket sales goes to these programs.
The first official lotteries were recorded in the Low Countries in the fifteenth century, where town records show that citizens drew lots to raise money for walls and town fortifications, as well as to help the poor. They were a popular source of income during the early modern period, and were eventually adopted in England and other European states, where they helped fund everything from the Royal Navy to church renovations.
By the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, American politics was shaped by a deep aversion to taxation, and many states turned to lotteries to help finance public projects. Harvard and Yale were largely financed through them, and the Continental Congress even used one to raise money for the Revolutionary War.
In the nineteen-sixties, however, an era marked by rising inflation and a growing population brought on a budget crisis for many states. It became impossible for many to meet their obligations without either raising taxes or cutting services. And as the popularity of the lotteries grew, it became increasingly clear that they were, as Cohen put it, “a form of hidden taxation.”
Today, state lotteries take in about a percent of each year’s state revenues. After decades of noisy campaigning and heavy promotion, the public is wrongly convinced that lottery profits support schools and other vital services. In reality, as the New York Times’s Daniel F. Goldstein reports, the money comes from citizens who can least afford to part with it. As with all commercial products, lottery sales spike when incomes fall and unemployment rises. And as with all commercial advertising, lottery marketing targets neighborhoods that are disproportionately poor, black or Hispanic.
While the lottery is an entertaining way to spend your money, please remember to gamble responsibly. If you have a problem with gambling, contact 2-1-1 or Gamblers Anonymous. Also, remember that gambling is a game of chance and not a way to get rich. If you are not in a position to gamble responsibly, please do not play the lottery and consider other options for financial support. For more information on responsible gambling, visit or call 2-1-1 for assistance in North Dakota. The information contained on this website is based on sources that we believe to be accurate and up-to-date, but we do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. The New Hampshire Lottery is not responsible for errors or omissions.